Organic nitrogen fertilizer
Fluid yeast extract containing brown seaweed
N +C 1 +18
Organic nitrogen (N)………………...……..................….1%
Organic carbon (C) of organic origin……..............18%
PRODUCT: fluid yeast extract with brown seaweed containing high organic carbon content with sub-acid pH in aqueous solution.
ACTION: the high bioavailability of organic carbon allows a strong increase in vegetative activity, even on particularly demanding crops such as cotton.
PERIOD OF USE: ​ in the phases of greatest need for cotton, between growth of the green parts and flowering/forming of the capsules.
Application: usually 3 l/ha in the growing phase (plants about 50 cm high) followed by 2 L/ha in the flowering phase.
PKG: 5 kg x 4
Stimulates vegetative growth and biomass production​.
3 l/Ha
2 l/Ha
Icas srl – Sede legale: Via Stradivari, 4 -20131 Milano - Sede Amm.: Via arti e mestieri 1, 05023,Baschi– (TR) – Sede di produzione: Via arti e mestieri 1, 05023, Baschi
Site: – E-mail: – CF/P.iva 03992380752